Tayden Dental Consulting Calgary

Dental Practice Growth

Practice growth and a balanced life is what all dentists aspire to. We serve the dental community in Calgary and in the province of Alberta as dental consultants, helping our clients succeed by bringing them our experience, professional expertise, sound judgment, training strategies and contacts.

Ways to assist you with growing your dental practice include:
  • Proven strategies for growing your practice in today’s tougher economy.
  • Gain insights on what you and your team can do to increase production.
  • Design management systems to reach the target.
  • Provide all necessary scripts and training.
  • Create a set of specific, measurable targets.
  • Do more with what you already have.
growth solutions
The Tayden Advantage:

We have many years of experience in dentistry and are still actively working in the field.

We only recommend what we are doing or have done ourselves.

We have a track record of successfully helping dentists find peace of mind in running their practice

The areas of your dental practice we’ll help you with to achieve your goals:


New Patient

(Internal & External)

High Performance Systems

Outstanding customer service is an often overlooked but very effective way to achieve a steady increase in scheduled appointments. Our focus is on providing you with the tools necessary to achieve the highest standards of customer service.

Growing your practice depends on many factors and an important one on the list is new patient acquisition. But how do you make sure you have a steady influx of new patients?

We have some proven strategies for acquiring new patients that we can implement immediately to start expanding your business. 

Internal and external marketing is also important and so are all the systems your dental clinic is using. We’ll evaluate to see what you have and make appropriate suggestions to facilitate growth.

Customer Satisfaction
Dental consultations - Weekly visits for dental practice growth-cr

Our work is hands on.

We visit practices on a weekly basis and the team has full access to us outside of those visits.

There are many reasons to work with a dental consultant and many areas of dentistry that we have the knowledge and expertise to help you in.

All it takes to get started is a phone call.