Tayden Dental Consulting Calgary

About Tayden Consulting

Tayden Dental Consulting In Calgary Was Developed In 2010 To Focus On Service In Dental Practices.

How important it is to the practice’s success…and how to deliver it exquisitely and consistently. Despite our attention to clinical detail, we know that dental patients don’t talk about crown margins and calculus at dinner parties…when asked about their dentist they talk about how they feel and the service they receive.

At Tayden Consulting, we take the time to get to know you and discover your goals for yourself, your team and your practice. Through observation, we gain an understanding of the office dynamics and potential areas of improvement. Additionally, we will provide you with an honest, professional assessment and a clear path for moving forward.


In all areas of communication, service and treatment presentation skills.


Efficient systems and protocols to increase profit margins.


Team development through in office training and team meetings.


Dentists, managers and team members on their path to professional growth and success.